learn from each other的意思

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learn from each other的网络释义

互相学习 举出另外一个理由,即 learn from each other(互相学习),experience different types of skill and - 15 - --------------...

相互学习 ...,是体验英语写作的特色之一,是连接“学与用”(learn & use) 之间的桥梁,是增进同学们“相互学习”(learn from each other) 的纽带。

彼此相互学习 ... 彼此相互学习 learn from each other 相互学习和支持 Mutual Learning And Support 他们相互学习 They learn from each other ...

互相 据报道没有人在那次空难中幸存下来 » Reports nobody survived the crash 互相 学习 » Learn from each other 围巾应该天冷的时候戴 » scarves should be cold when the Dai ..

learn from each other的短语

1、 We learn from each other 我们一起相互学习 ; 我们互相学习 ; 那我们互相学习吧

2、 They learn from each other 他们相互学习

3、 people learn from each other 成员彼此相互学习

learn from each other的例句

I am sure that all of you, readers of this blog, are absolutely wonderful too and I can learn a lot from you and we can all learn from each other.


While it's not necessary for both of you to have the same goals, it'll be even better if that's the case, so you can learn from each other.


Both foreign recruits and Korean employees learn from each other, and that helps globalize the company.


I like to call it huxiang bangmang, huxiang xuexi, gongtong jinbu [We help each other, learn from each other and make progress together].

我喜欢称之为 “互相帮忙、互相学习,共同进步“。

Is there anything that the US and Europe can learn from each other to improve their marketing approach?


I don't use any magic techniques or formulas, I just offer them friendship and love and we both learn from each other.
