leg of lamb的意思

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leg of lamb的网络释义

羊腿 leg of lamb 羊腿 Major Applianceflashlight 手电筒fluorescent lamp 日光灯electric calculator 计算器tube 真空管electric fan 电风扇Dictaphon...

小羊腿 asparagus 芦笋 leg of lamb 小羊腿 hot dog 热狗 ..

腿肉 材料: 羊仔腿肉 ( leg of lamb) 1kg伴菜料 : 洋葱 ½ 个 ( ½ onion ), 新薯仔二个(2 new potatoes ), 金笋一条 ( 1 red carrot),大蒜葱半条( ½ leek ), 白笋一条...

leg of lamb的短语

1、 Roast leg of lamb 烤羊腿 ; 烧羊腿

2、 Feet and leg of lamb 羊蹄哈尔巴

3、 Hong roast leg of lamb 香烤羊腿

leg of lamb的例句

Only last week he was in my kitchen, devouring most of a leg of lamb I had cooked for us.


Ideal with roasted leg of lamb with garlic and rosemary.


I'd like the leg of lamb.


Then, sitting in a yurt gnawing leg of lamb, drink, listen to the music of Mongolia.


Here is your roast leg of lamb, Sir.


Today's special is roast leg of lamb.
