legal procedures and the law的意思

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legal procedures and the law的网络释义

律法与律法程序 •legal procedures and the law 律法与律法程序 •evidence interpretation and statistical evaluation 证据解析和统计评估 ..

legal procedures and the law的例句

This book aims to explain the rules and procedures of United States Product Liability Law to corporate legal counsels, risk controllers, professional lawyers, insurance companies and consultants.


They do not need to present warrants issued by officials of accountability nor respect the legal procedures (if any). Thus, they become the interpreters and enforcers of law.


He resembles the night watchman at the Supreme Court who resents the amount of written law and legal procedures.


To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of this Law and legal procedures;

根据本法规定并依照法定程序制定、修改和废除法律; !