let it fly的意思

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let it fly的网络释义

让它飞 “用我们出色的队友,迈克尔-米勒的话说,就是‘让它飞(Let It Fly)。’”热火主教练埃里克-斯波尔斯特拉赛后表示,波什的三分球并不是给他设计的,但是他投空位三分,球队完全没意见。

让爱飞扬 ... 让爱飞扬 Let It Fly 植剧场 天黑请闭眼 Close Your Eyes Before Its Dark 明天一起去乐园 Amusement Park Tomorrow ...

唐丹 ... Really - 张韶涵 Let It Fly - 唐丹 Wired Life - 黑木明纱 ...

let it fly的短语

1、 Don't let it fly away 别让它跑了

2、 And Let It Fly 然后把它出去

3、 let it fly and fly 任凭缥缈

let it fly的例句

If the bird is let out of its cage, it will certainly fly away.


Then the woodcutter let his axe fly – Thwack! Everyone heard it.


Tell Robert Horry to let it fly in Game 7.


If we don't exist in the world, they will set aside a portion of kindliness, and let it fly over the wind.


The license meant everything to me - it would let me drive, fly and work.


Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you, but if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it.
