locally advanced pancreatic cancer的意思

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locally advanced pancreatic cancer的网络释义

局部进展期胰腺癌 ...目前胰腺癌诊断困难的原因可归于其转移特性及局部抵抗特性,特别是对于局部进展期胰腺癌(locally advanced pancreatic cancer,LAPC),放化疗可以作为标准治疗的之一。相对接受根治性手术的患者,无法手术的胰腺癌.

locally advanced pancreatic cancer的例句

Background: Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) has been approved for the treatment of locally advanced pancreatic cancer.


Objective To improve the therapeutic response and survival of locally advanced pancreatic cancer treated with radiochemotherapy.


Funded by cancer Research UK, the trial will test the vaccine GV1001 alongside two chemotherapy drugs gemcitabine and capecitabine on patients with locally advanced and metastatic pancreatic cancer.

由英国癌症研究所基金资助,这项研究将检验名为GV 1001的疫苗和两种化疗药物吉西他滨和截瘤达对局部晚期和远处转移的胰腺癌的作用。