lodge a claim的意思

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lodge a claim的网络释义

提出索赔 受损方就有权向违约的一方提出索赔(lodge a claim),要求赔偿损失。

索赔 ...依据包孕两个方面:1x法令依据:索赔方提出的布施要领必需切正当令划定;2x究竟依据:索赔所需要的足够文件索赔(Lodge a Claim)指投保人或者被被保人在发生保险变乱、遭遇产业损掉某个人的生活命受伤和死亡往后,要求被保人履行补偿或者付给保险金义务的举动...

提出赔偿 提出赔偿 claim compensation; lodge a claim 赔偿要求 appeal for compensation; compensation claim ..

lodge a claim的短语

1、 to lodge a claim 提出索赔

2、 lodge a claim against sb 索赔

3、 lodge a claim for 提出索赔

lodge a claim的例句

We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time.


We should lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time.


Owing to rough packing, the goods is seriously rusty. I am afraid we have to lodge a claim with you for rough packing.


We shall lodge a claim against the Insurance Company for the goods damaged during transit.


You could either lodge a claim with the shipowner or with the insurance company.


We regret we have to lodge a claim against you, as there are 50 break cases among the delivered goods.
