lonely and desolate的意思

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lonely and desolate的网络释义

孤寂冷落 ... [sad;depressed] 怅惘;迷惘 [lonely and desolate] 孤寂冷落 [sad and cold] 悲凉 ...

寂寞与荒凉 《寂寞与荒凉(Lonely and desolate)》安卓软件由662用户提供

lonely and desolate的短语

1、 cold and cheerless desolate lonely 冷清

lonely and desolate的例句

Door with a pond, pond has a clearing, desolate and lonely, only a few strains unknown plant, grow tall.


So that love will finally be restored to a desolate and lonely world.


Ten years of life and death two boundless, do not consider, since the memorable, thousands of lonely grave, nowhere words desolate.


Village was very lonely, leaving only old people and children, children smile pure bright, is the village only passion, even in the most desolate ancient village, smile will always find me.


This is free and unrestrained and the acme among cold mountains whilst remote peaks, lonely boat, mist and drizzle and desolate temple are but admirable setoff.


Lower the head to look, see buttonwood isolated and lonely in the yard, deep courtyard was enveloped in the autumn cold and desolate.
