look-alike contest的意思

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look-alike contest的网络释义

模仿大赛 ... look-alike contest 模仿大赛 look exactly alike 一模一样 look-alike 面貌酷似的人 ; 类似 ; 相似 ...

look-alike contest的短语

1、 Hemingway Look-Alike Contest 看看谁长得更像海明威的竞赛

2、 IKEA Look-Alike Contest 商品伪装大赛

look-alike contest的例句

Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.


Marilyn Monroe look-alike contest was held recently in Cincinnati, US (see photo).


An insurance agent beat out 122 others to win Florida's annual "apa" Hemingway Look-Alike Contest.


An insurance agent beat out 122 others to win Florida's annual "Papa" Hemingway Look-Alike Contest.


Tom Grizzard, 69, of Leesburg won an Ernest Hemingway look-alike contest on July 20, beating 141 other contenders.


The look-alike contest was part of the 27th Hemingway Days festival marking the July 21 birthday of the white-bearded author, born 108 years ago in Illinois.

留着大白胡子的文学巨匠海明威出生在伊利诺斯州,今年7月21日是他诞辰108周年的纪念日。 此项大赛是纪念海明威诞辰的第27个“海明威日”系列活动的一部分。