Lunar New Year的意思

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Lunar New Year的网络释义

农历新年 农历新年 ( Lunar New Year )是我国一件大事 2.

贺岁杯 贺岁杯(Lunar New Year):2场角逐2胜

牛车水农历新春亮灯 牛车水农历新春亮灯(Lunar New Year):农历新年光降之际,更是拉近了到新加坡旅游、生活的各国国民的心,譬喻三月的时髦节、四月的世界名厨峰会、六月的艺术节、七月...

春节 三,农历 春节 ( Lunar New Year ):指农历除夕与 春节 .

Lunar New Year的短语

1、 eve of lunar New Year 除夕 ; 大年节 ; 年夜年节 ; 小年节

2、 Asian Lunar New Year 亚裔农历新年

3、 The Lunar New Year 阴历新年 ; 农历新年 ; 今年的农历新年 ; 新年英语作文

Lunar New Year的例句

Chinese celebrate the Lunar New Year.


On the lunar New Year 's Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings.


Happy lunar new year of tiger!


Similarly, the eclipse will appear in Wangri that the Lunar New Year 15.


It has evolved into today's red packet or lucky money that parents and older relatives give to children during the Lunar New Year to wish them good luck.


The store is famous for its soy sauce and vinegar and it has been a custom for locals to buy for the Lunar New Year.
