make a phone call的意思

美 / / 英 / /


make a phone call的网络释义

打电话 然而一般现在时只用来陈述规律性的事情,客观事实/真理 B makes C does 本题考点是 词组 make a phone call(打电话),同学们在下一个阶段的三笔学习和复习过程中要特别注意词的固

打电话号码 ... 打电话号码 make a phone call 接线生 operator 对方付款电话 collect call ...

打个电话 ... phone card电话卡 make a phone call打个电话 △phone还可用作动词,意思是“打电话”。如: ...

打一个电话 ... play chess 玩象棋 make a phone call 打一个电话 accept 接受 reject 拒绝 ...

make a phone call的短语

1、 to make a phone call 打电话 ; 打

2、 You make a phone call 你打了一通电话 ; 你打个电话

3、 Make a phone call loudly 接电话时大声说话

make a phone call的例句

Steven: And I have to make a phone call.


Steven: And I have to make a phone call. See you later, Connie.


When I make a phone call for Black, he was reading a book.


Wait there for a minute. I have to make a phone call.


And this one guy said to me 'do you need to make a phone call.


Where can I make a phone call?
