make scientific achievements的意思

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make scientific achievements的网络释义

取得科学成就 make scientific achievements 取得科学成就 (4)devote oneself to sth. 使某人致力于„„ devote one’s life/lifetime to 把某人的一生致力于„„ devote one’s energy ...

make scientific achievements的例句

Academic periodicals provide a place for people to make scientific studies and exchange their ideas, to present their achievements and transmit information.


It is an effective approach for designers to make rational use of the achievements in scientific research and attain the organic combination of rational thinking and thinking in...


Modern scientific and technological achievements are widely used to make people's leisure life rich and colorful, such as online games, listening to music, watching movies, etc.


It is pointed out that scientific research shall be made using multiple analytical means available, including analysis and integration, so as to make further achievements.
