male pattern baldness的意思

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male pattern baldness的网络释义

男性型脱发 ...布及其雄激素受体表达的研究 男性型脱发患者头皮毛囊干细胞雄激素受体表达的初步研究 刖 舌 男性型脱发(male pattern baldness, MPB)是一常见的毛发性疾 病,影响患者的容貌美,不仅影响到患者学习、工作、婚姻、社交及生 活质量,而且给患...

脱发 ...脱发即脂溢性脱发,也就是西方医学界称之为的男性激素引起的脱发(androgenic alopecia)或男性型脱发(male pattern baldness),是人类感染比例最高的疾病。据估计,全世界有3亿多人患有此种脱发疾病。

male pattern baldness的例句

With male pattern baldness these hairs do not always get replaced and gradually bald areas appear.


"If that were true, we'd have a cure for male pattern baldness," said Dr.


It is not simply a lack of hair, but rather a problem with the new hair that is the cause of male pattern baldness, experts says.


HDL cholesterol was the only individual component of the metabolic syndrome that was statistically significantly associated with male pattern baldness.


Male pattern baldness, medically known as androgenetic alopecia, refers to hair thinning in an “M-shaped" pattern that is typically mentioned when men talk about balding.


As the term suggests, male pattern baldness follows a typical sequence or pattern.
