many a time的意思

美 / ˈmeni ə taim / 英 / ˈmɛni e taɪm /


many a time的用法讲解

英语单词\"many a time\"的用法讲解

\"Many a time\"是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“多次”,通常用于强调某件事发生的频率或者重要性。该短语的语法结构是many + a/an + 单数名词 + time。下面我们来详细探讨一下其用法。

1. 多次重复发生的情况

\"Many a time\"可以用来表示某事曾经多次发生过,尤其是当某事让人不舒服、不方便或者不必要的时候,用这个短语可以表达对于这种情况的强烈感觉。例如:

- Many a time I have asked him to stop smoking in the house, but he just won't listen.(我曾多次要求他不要在屋内吸烟,但他总是不听。)

- Many a time we've been told to finish the project before the deadline, but somehow it never happens.(我们曾多次被告知在截止日期之前完成这个项目,但不知何故从来没有实现过。)

2. 表示惊讶或者不满的情感

\"Many a time\"还可以用来表达惊讶或者不满情感,带有一定的质疑或者批判的意味。例如:

- Many a time I've wondered why he just can't be on time.(我曾多次想过,为什么他就是不能准时。)

- Many a time I've asked her not to use her phone while driving, but she just won't listen.(我曾多次要求她不要边开车边用手机,但她总是不听。)

3. 用在口语和文学作品中

\"Many a time\"通常用于口语和文学作品中,例如小说、散文和诗歌等,用于表达某人的情感、感受或者经历。例如:

- Many a time I've walked along this path, listening to the sounds of nature and feeling at peace.(我曾多次沿着这条小路散步,聆听大自然的声响,感到极其平静。)

总之,“many a time”作为一种常用的英语短语,通俗易懂,灵活多变,可以用于各种场合,大大提高了语言表达的多样性。

many a time的短语

1、 many and many a time 屡次

2、 many a time and oft 许多次

3、 Many a time I watched 多少次我注视着

many a time的例句

Many a time has he given me good advice.



And many a time, before you know it, it is morning!

很多时候, 在你发现之前, 已经是早上了.


Many a time he had declared that he would never write another song.


英汉非文学 - 百科语料821

He has been interviewed many a time on the writing of this book.



I met him many a time in the bus.



She had seen it happen to others many a time.

