mathematical statistics的意思

美 / / 英 / /

[数] 数理统计;数学统计

mathematical statistics的短语

1、 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 概率论与数理统计,概率与数理统计,概率和数理统计,课程名称概率论与数理统计

2、 Mathematical statistics & Application 数理统计及应用,数理计数及应用

3、 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 概率论与数理统计,概率统计,概率与数理统计

4、 Mathematical Statistics and Probability 数理统计与概率,数理统计与概率论,统计学与概率论

5、 Probability & Mathematical Statistics 概率与数学统计,概率论与数理统计

6、 Institute of Mathematical Statistics 数理统计学会,国际数理统计协会,数理统计研究院

7、 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 数理统计学导论

8、 Advanced Mathematical Statistics 高等数理统计

9、 Applied Mathematical Statistics 应用数理统计,应用数理统计学

mathematical statistics的例句

Mathematical Statistics Department of Mathematics are all an essential professional curriculum.



On the Connected Teaching of " Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics " and " Medical Statistics "

浅谈 “ 概率论与数理统计 ” 和 “ 医学统计学 ” 的衔接教学.
