miss out on的意思

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miss out on的网络释义

错过 不错的地方,去过 2 年以前,有 3 个星期,全体员工有这么便宜,你应该去参观下龙湾 miss out on » 错过 to starter motor solenoid » 到起动电机电磁阀 ..

未得到某物 ... Mike is fine? » 迈克很好吗? miss out on » 未得到某物 UA391 Flight Terminal check in a few numbers? » UA391 飞行终端签入几个数字? ...

错失了 ... miss out错过;遗漏;省略 miss out on错过机会;错失了… miss white怀特小姐;白小姐 ...

miss out on的短语

1、 Don't Miss out on Life 不能被遗忘的生活

2、 Miss out on this application 错过此次申请

3、 miss out on the opportunity 错过机会

miss out on的例句

Why miss out on an excuse to celebrate life?


Could the benefits of online social networking be too good to miss out on?


If you shut yourself off from love, you'll miss out on that woman, and the happiest times of your life.


I was determined not to miss out on all the goodies if this rally turned out to be the real thing.


Of course I'm coming—I don't want to miss out on all the fun!


But then, you \ 'd miss out on the delicious blood pressure benefit.
