miss the boat的意思

美 / mis ðə bəut / 英 / mɪs ði bot /


miss the boat的用法讲解

英语单词\"miss the boat\"是一个口语化的短语,意思是“错过时机”或者“错过机会”。它可以用来描述某个人因为没能及时行动而错失了某种有利的机会。以下是一些具体的使用例子:

- If you don't apply for that job soon, you'll miss the boat.


- I didn't invest in that company when I had the chance, and now it's worth millions. I really missed the boat there.


- She waited too long to buy tickets for the concert and now they're sold out. She missed the boat.


总之,\"miss the boat\"是一个非常常用的口语化短语,用来描述因为错过时机而失去了某些有利的机会。

miss the boat的短语

1、 Don't miss the boat 不要坐失良机,不要错失良机,不要错过船期,别错失良机

2、 Miss the Boat Bus 坐失时机

3、 to miss the boat 坐失良机

4、 o miss the boat 错失良机

5、 dont miss the boat 别错过机会

miss the boat的例句

It'seem such a pity that noah and his party do not miss the boat.



I'll invest in that company I don't want to miss the boat.



One of the biggest mistakes in one � � s life is to miss the boat.

