monetary policy committee的意思

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monetary policy committee的网络释义

货币政策委员会 ...表示,由于英国实际通货膨胀率在过去5年都高于央行2%的目标,批评人士已经在质疑央行货币政策委员会(Monetary Policy Committee)是否失职。他说,考虑到英国经济表现低迷,有人甚至提出是否应改变央行职责、从而允许央行实施更宽松的政策。

央行货币政策委员会 Coulton是5日在英央行货币政策委员会(Monetary Policy Committee,MPC)的决定公布之前发表上述评论的。

的货币政策委员会 高于预期的PMI数值也增强了这样的可能性,即央行的货币政策委员会(Monetary Policy Committee,MPC)将会在4至5日的利率会议中有所举措。

旗下的货币政策委员会 英国央行9月21日消息,在9月份的会议中,英国央行(Bank of England,BOE)旗下的货币政策委员会(Monetary Policy Committee,MPC)以8比1的投票结果维持2,000亿英镑的债券购买规模不变,并以9比0的投票结果维持基准利率水平不变。

monetary policy committee的短语

1、 The Monetary Policy Committee 货币政策委员会

2、 Boe's Monetary Policy Committee 央行货币政策委员会

monetary policy committee的例句

Since the bank's monetary-policy committee met in July, when it voted unanimously to keep the base rate at 4.5%, inflationary pressures have intensified.


The decision by the monetary-policy committee (MPC) to reduce rates for the fifth consecutive month came as little surprise, but it had been opposed.

虽然货币政策委员会(monetary - policy committee, MPC)做出的连续五个月降息的决定并不令人意外,但还是一直遭到了反对。

The monetary policy committee must change both the content of its inflation report and the way it thinks about its job.


Such dismal news appears to vindicate critics who say that the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has forsaken its job of meeting the inflation target.


The Bank of England's monetary policy committee and the European Central Bank's governing council meet this week amid a clamour for rate cuts unprecedented in their brief histories.


The Bank of England's monetary policy committee is split on whether to raise interest rates, but it has got more hawkish.
