monotonous a的意思

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monotonous a的网络释义

单调的 ... monocyte n.单核细胞 monotonous a.单调的;一成不变的 monster n. 怪物;妖怪a.异乎寻常地大的(只作定语) ...

一成不变的 ... monocyte n.单核细胞 monotonous a.单调的;一成不变的 monster n. 怪物;妖怪a.异乎寻常地大的(只作定语) ...

monotonous a的短语

1、 monotonous s a 单调的

2、 a monotonous task 单调而使人厌倦的工作

3、 Drag Through A Monotonous Life 熬枯受淡

monotonous a的例句

The plastic horns became a hallmarkof the World Cup in South Africa, producing a monotonous droning sound which provided a backdropfor every match.


You know how badly you want to get away from your monotonous work schedule and more importantly, how you have scraped up a few dollars for this trip!


Often when a writer writes with the same persona all the time, they get very monotonous.


This could be anything ranging from a boring lecture or sermon, to a monotonous conversation with people.


Not a village, not a human being, not a tree, not a blade of grass — the only breaks in the monotonous whiteness are gaping cracks which in places show the layer of moist, black clay underneath.


“I used to take a normal aerobics class, but it was boring and monotonous, ” Ms. Xiao said.
