motivation to learn的意思

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motivation to learn的网络释义

学习的动机 ... learn a lesson受到教训 motivation to learn学习的动机 learn the ropes摸到门道;弄清内幕;知道事情的内情 ...

学习动机 学习动机(motivation to learn)是指引起、维持学习活动并使之趋向既定学习目标的内部动力。对于学习动机形成的机制,不同心理学派有不同的理论解释。

动机 所谓进修动机(motivation to learn),就是指直接鞭策一小我进行进修勾当的内部动力。其内容重要包含常识价值不雅、进修爱好、进修能力感、成就归因四个方面。

motivation to learn的短语

1、 Specific Motivation To Learn 偏重型学习动机 ; 型学习动机 ; 学习动机

2、 general motivation to learn 学习动机

3、 learning motivation to learn 学习动机

motivation to learn的例句

The young college students should be a vibrant, high-spirited generation, why they have the weakness of depression, lack of hard work and great vision, and lack motivation to learn and so on.


Consequently, it is possible to arouse students the fundamental motivation to learn sports, and enhance the effectiveness of physical education practically.


However, under the circumstance that English courses are required, some non - English majors lack motivation to learn English.


To contribute to school readiness by fostering children's intellectual skills, motivation to learn, and confidence in themselves as learners.


Motivation to learn the language may be as much as a result of success as a cause.


Students to learn without clear objectives, just accept the indoctrination of parents and teachers "cramming", learning with blindness, lack of motivation to learn naturally.
