
美 / / 英 / /

n. 动机,目的,原因;(文艺作品、音乐的)艺术思想,主题

adj. 引起运动的,起推动作用的

v. 使产生动机,激起

高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL 商务英语

复数 motives 第三人称单数 motives 现在分词 motiving 过去式 motived 过去分词 motived


Motives in English usually refer to a reason, desire or goal. It is an abstract noun that describes what drives a person's actions or behavior. Therefore, it is important to understand the meaning of the English word motive in order to use it appropriately.

Generally speaking, a motive is a force that encourages or drives a person to do something. It can be either positive or negative in nature. For instance, a student may have the motive of wanting to learn more about a certain topic in order to gain knowledge and improve themselves. On the other hand, a thief may have an unhealthy motive of wanting to steal money and other valuable items.

The English word motive can also be used to describe the underlying cause behind something. For example, a journalist may be motivated to write an article because they believe it is important to inform the public about a certain issue.

Moreover, the word motive can also be used to describe someone's emotions. For instance, a person looking for a job may feel motivated to keep searching because they believe they can eventually succeed. On the contrary, someone who keeps failing may feel unmotivated to continue trying.

In conclusion, the English word motive is an abstract noun that typically refers to a reason, desire, or goal that encourages or drives someone to do something. It can be used to describe both positive and negative behaviors, as well as the cause behind something, and people's feelings.


1、 motive force 动力;起动力,原动力

2、 motive power 动力

3、 ulterior motive 隐秘不明的动机

4、 profit motive 利润动机


Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing.



There seemed to be no motive for the murder.

