
美 / mɪˈstɪəriəs / 英 / mɪˈstɪriəs /

adj. 不可思议的,难以理解的;(人)神秘的,陌生的;保密的,故弄玄虚的

初中 / 高中 / CET4 / CET6 / 考研 IELTS


Mysterious is an adjective that describes something that is difficult to understand or explain. It is often used to describe a person, place, or thing that has an air of mystery or intrigue surrounding it.

Mysterious can be used to describe a person who keeps their thoughts, feelings and intentions hidden. For example, you might say, \"John is a mysterious figure. No one really knows him very well.\"

Mysterious also describes a place or thing that has a strange or unknown origin. For example, \"The ice caves in Antarctica are mysterious and ancient.\" Or, \"The origins of the lost city are mysterious and unknown.\"

Mysterious can also be used to describe something that appears to have supernatural capabilities or powers. For example, \"The old mansion is said to be haunted and mysterious.\"

Finally, mysterious can be used to describe something that is simply uncertain or unsure. For example, \"The future of the economy is a mysterious and unpredictable thing.\"


1、 Mysterious Island 孤岛惊魂,孤鸟惊魂

2、 Mysterious Skin 诱惑肌肤,唱片名

3、 The Mysterious Island 神秘岛,奥秘岛,制作特辑,书名

4、 The Mysterious Stranger 神秘的来客

5、 The Mysterious Affair at Styles 斯泰尔斯的神秘案件,斯泰尔斯庄园奇案,斯代尔斯的怪事

6、 Mysterious Incredible Terminator 逆转霹雳

7、 Return to Mysterious Island 重返神秘岛,神秘岛,重返奥秘岛

8、 The Wesley's Mysterious File 卫斯理蓝血人,卫斯理之蓝血人

9、 MYSTERIOUS DAYS 神秘的日子,神秘之日,神秘的一天


Michael Adolf very good at creating for themselves a mysterious atmosphere.



Today, Angola mysterious existence of large, single or not is still doubtful.

时至今日, 安哥拉神秘大单的存在与否仍存疑问.


The president's room conveyed a delicate aroma of the mysterious East.



The water is very deep and mysterious looking.



Longdong overall style of paper cutting is rough, exaggerated in a nutshell, the mysterious.

陇东剪纸的总体风格是粗犷 、 夸张 、 简括、神秘.


My watch had mysteriously disappeared.



He died in mysterious circumstances...



A mysterious young woman is living next door.

