native gold的意思

美 / ˈneitiv ɡəuld / 英 / ˈnetɪv ɡold /

[矿物] 自然金

native gold的用法讲解

英语中的“native gold”通常指的是天然金,即未经过任何加工或提纯的金子。以下是一些常见的用法:

1. Native gold can be found in small quantities in many countries around the world. (天然金可以在世界上许多国家找到少量的产量。)

2. These gold nuggets are examples of native gold in its natural form. (这些金块是天然金的自然形态的例子。)

3. Native gold is often found in association with other minerals such as copper and silver. (天然金通常与铜和银等其他矿物质联合存在。)

4. The use of native gold in jewelry dates back to ancient civilizations. (在珠宝制作中使用天然金的历史可以追溯到古代文明时期。)

5. The value of native gold is determined by its purity and weight. (天然金的价值取决于它的纯度和重量。)

总之,native gold是一种有价值的自然资源,可以在许多领域得到广泛应用,尤其在珠宝、金币等方面。

native gold的短语

1、 ball native gold 球状自然金

2、 super-pure native gold 超纯自然金

3、 fineness of native gold 金成色

4、 parcel-shaped native gold 包状自然金

5、 over-grinding of native gold 自然金过磨

6、 typomorphic characteristic of native gold 自然金的标型

7、 native gold-silver isomorphous series minerals 自然金

8、 Gold Native 自然金

native gold的例句

Gold mainly exists as gold minerals , including electrum, silver - bearing native gold.

金以矿物态为主,金矿物主要为银金矿 、 含银 自然金.


The native gold is main gangue minerals and it is fine particle and micro - fine particle.



Gold mineral is native gold, its grain size is fine, its fineness is high.

围岩蚀变作用不强.金矿物为自然金, 粒度细 、 色高.
