nest building的意思

美 / / 英 / /


nest building的短语

1、 nest building drive 营巢本能

2、 Nest building test 筑窝实验

3、 nest-building 筑巢

4、 nest-building frogs 细趾蟾属

5、 nest building behavior 筑巢行为

6、 habit of nest-building 营巢习性

7、 Building a nest 筑巢

8、 behaviour of building nest 筑巢行为

9、 Damaging due to building nest 建巢危害

nest building的例句

For example, we can learn where they find water, store food, and obtain their nest - building materials.

例如, 我们能够了解到它们在哪里找到饮水, 储藏食物和得到它们建筑窝巢的材料.
