net property income的意思

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net property income的网络释义

净财产收入 ... net profit after income tax 扣除所得税后净利 net property income 净财产收入; 净财产收入 nominal income 名目所得; 名义收入; 名义所得 ...

房地产净利 尽管可派发盈利比预期理想,但该信托的全年房地产净利(net property income)却比预期低了7.7%。

产收入 初步估计,双威产讬8项资产在截至6月30日2011财年,将可为公司带来逾3亿令吉的收入,净房产收入(Net Property Income)达2亿4639万4000令吉。

net property income的短语

1、 net property income from abroad 国外财产净收入

net property income的例句

Earnings from property transfer; the taxable income should be the balance of total income deducting net value of property.


The differences of household net income and property transfer income had a slight impact on living consumption level. On this basis, related proposals were put forward.


In the per capita income of urban households, wages and other income increased 10.1%, metastatic growth in revenue, operating 12.5% net income growth 9.9%, property income growth 18.5%.
