night and day的意思

美 / / 英 / /


night and day的网络释义

黑夜与白昼 ... Emotion 情感 Night and day 黑夜与白昼 Super trouper 超级马戏团员 ...

日以继夜地 ... from morning till night从早到晚 night and day日以继夜地 tomorrow night明天晚上 ...

night and day的短语

1、 through night and day 不分昼夜

2、 night and day-clip 昼与夜

3、 night and day-song 昼与夜

night and day的例句

and preceded to work night and day for my dorm rooms, and built this e-commerce system.


"Put down pugilism - if I have to wear it night and day," said the Moral Sentiment of the Community, sternly.


For night and day belong to love.


In Italy there has been a "huge difference made, like night and day," since the acquisition in 2006.


When I was just starting out as a young Web developer, I had no problem racing off in any given direction to code away night and day.

当我还是一个年轻的 Web 开发人员时,我可以夜以继日地朝任何指定的方向编码,完全没有问题。

His reacquaintance with Veronica—the older, more fragile, and needy Veronica—filled him night and day with her image.
