occur repeatedly的意思

美 / / 英 / /


occur repeatedly的网络释义

多次出现 ... occur to 出现 ; 出现在脑中 ; 出现在脑海中 occur repeatedly 多次出现 Floods Occur 洪涝灾害出现 ...

一次接着一次地发生 ... [immediately] [方]∶急忙;迅速 [occur repeatedly;happen frequently] 多次出现;一次接着一次地发生 [act as host in turn] 轮流做主人请客 ...

occur repeatedly的短语

1、 to occur repeatedly 层见迭出

2、 to occur frequentlyto occur repeatedly 层见迭出

3、 Works Occur Repeatedly 佳作迭出

occur repeatedly的例句

Patterns are themes that have been found to occur repeatedly in particular business areas.


Besides, in the waking state one is wont to forget rather easily things that have happened only once, and to remember more readily things which occur repeatedly.


It is shown that the interval tension fracture would occur repeatedly under large axial compression stress, which forms the layered failure.


Metallogenic series of ore deposits that could occur repeatedly in different epochs and different tectonic units are named metallogenic series types of ore deposits.


When decorating houses, some workers will duplicate the door keys of house-owners secretly. After observing repeatedly, they will steal, while the owners going out. These kinds of cases often occur.


Because information safety risk assessment is insufficient, lead to security incidents occur repeatedly.
