officer and engineer的意思

美 / ˈɔfisə ænd ˌendʒiˈniə / 英 / ˈɔfɪsɚ ənd ˌɛndʒəˈnɪr /


officer and engineer的例句

Two Britons – chief engineer Peter French, from County Durham, and second officer James Grady, from Renfrewshire – are among the crew of 25 who were all reported to be unharmed.

据报道,遭劫持的25名船员中没人受伤。 其中有两名英国人,分别是来自英国Durham的轮机长彼得弗朗斯(Peter French)和来自Renfrewshire的二副詹姆斯格拉迪(JamesGrady)。

And it's not that easy to transition from being an architect to a software engineer, or from an escrow officer to an airplane mechanic.


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