oil geology的意思

美 / ɔil dʒiˈɔlədʒi / 英 / ɔɪl dʒiˈɑlədʒi /

[油气] 石油地质(学)

oil geology的用法讲解

oil geology是指油田地质学,是研究油气资源形成和分布规律的一门地质学科。在英语中,oil geology可以被称作“petroleum geology”。下面是关于oil geology单词的用法讲解:

1. 油田地质学专业:在英语中,oil geology可以被视为一个专业名称,比如 “She obtained her degree in oil geology from the University of Texas.”

2. 油田地质学领域:oil geology也可以指代油田地质学领域,如 “Oil geology plays an important role in the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas resources.”

3. 油田探测:在油田开发过程中,oil geology还可以指代油田探测和勘探,如 “The oil company is currently conducting oil geology surveys in the area to try and locate new oil reserves.”

4. 油田勘探和开发:oil geology也可以与勘探和开发有关,如 “His job as an oil geologist involves identifying and assessing potential oil fields for exploration and development.”

总之,oil geology是一个非常重要的专业领域,它在石油业的勘探、开发和生产中起着至关重要的作用。

oil geology的短语

1、 paper for oil geology 石油地质论文

2、 oil-geology 石油地质

3、 oil geology anomaly 地质异常

4、 proving up oil-geology reserves 探明石油地质储量

5、 oil geology theory 石油地质理论

6、 oil geology technologist 石油地质技师

7、 Department of Oil Geology 石油地质系

8、 Oil Geology Information System 石油地质信息系统

9、 Oil & Gas Geology 石油与天然气地质,杂志封面照片征集启事

oil geology的例句

Assessment technique of venture of oil gas exploration includes oil geology risk and technical economy venture.

