on idealism的意思

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理想主义的困境 英语专业自考本专科(上) - 共3818词 ... on impulse 一时冲动,一时心血来潮 on invition 应邀 on loan 借出 ...

on idealism的短语

1、 the view on verse idealism 诗歌理想观

on idealism的例句

"You can't live on idealism," he says.


This paper Outlines Ji Pang containing novel and the creation of poetry, on the other hand, by those to dig out the rich connotation of Ji Pang Idealism.


I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk from a fight.


On the other hand, "idealism", at the end of the century, is on the decline because of the end of the Cold War and the rise of hedonism .


Based on the critiques for Hegel's speculative idealism and the Feuerabach's intuitive materialism, Marx and Engels discussed the intension of subjectivity.


Now, this idealism doesn't refer to us being idealistic in that we try to build a better world, or, on a lower scale, a working long-term love relationship.
