on secondment的意思

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on secondment的网络释义

借调 ... on probation 试用 on secondment 借调 on temporary transfer 暂时调任 ...

on secondment的短语

1、 officer on secondment 借调人员

2、 appointment on secondment 调用

3、 an officer on secondment overseas 的翻译是借调人员海外 ; 调往海外的军官

on secondment的例句

We have two full-time secretaries, one of whom is on secondment from the Royal Navy.


In the meantime, it has asked its institutes to provide financial assistance for scientists on secondment, so they can continue their research.


He could not teach because he was on secondment to the Council for the Analysis of Society, a 32-member quango reporting to the prime minister.


Philip Mudd, a respected intelligence man currently on secondment to the FBI, pulled out of his nomination to the senior intelligence post in the Department of Homeland Security.

深受尊重的情报人员Philip Mudd,被借调到了联邦调查局,并被从美国国土安全局高级情报职位的任命上除名。