on the outside的意思

美 / ɔn ðə ˌautˈsaid / 英 / ɑn ði aʊtˈsaɪd /


on the outside的用法讲解

英语单词on the outside是一种常见的短语,它可以用来表达很多不同的意思和语境。下面就是该短语的用法解释。

1. 表示外表或表面

On the outside这个短语可以用来描述某人或某物的外观或表面特征。比如说:

- On the outside, he seems very confident, but on the inside he's really struggling.

- She looks happy on the outside, but I know she's dealing with a lot of personal problems.

- The package was damaged on the outside, but the contents were still intact.

2. 表示从外部看到的形象

On the outside还可以用来指外部形象,通常会与from the inside配合使用。比如:

- From the inside, the building looks modern and clean, but on the outside it's a bit rundown.

- The party seemed really exclusive from the outside, but once you were in, it was actually pretty laid-back.

3. 表示外部环境或位置

除了表达外表和形象,on the outside还可以表示位置或环境。比如:

- The hotel is located on the outside of town, so it's a bit quieter and more peaceful.

- The factory is on the outside of the city, so it doesn't disturb residents with noise and traffic.

- On the outside of the mountain, there is a beautiful waterfall.

总之,on the outside这个短语在许多情况下都有用途,它能够形象地表达许多不同的意义和语境,需要根据上下文来进行理解。

on the outside的短语

1、 Crazy on the Outside 出狱一团糟,出狱团糟,监狱外更疯狂,外面的疯狂

2、 PRICKLY ON THE OUTSIDE 痱子对外界,在外面刺,在外面多刺

3、 Fine On The Outside 在外安好

4、 those on the outside 外界人士

5、 on the outside wall 在外墙上

6、 Happy On The Outside 强女性的

7、 Stay on the outside 呆在外面

8、 Testing on the outside 外部试验

9、 I am on the outside 我在外面

on the outside的例句

Most of the dirt was on the outside of the tinted glass.



The door was locked on the outside.



The anchorages may be located on the outside of the deck.



If the oxide film is hard, sliding occurs on the outside thereof.

如果氧化膜较硬, 则滑动在它们的外面发生.


For example, experiments can be placed on the outside of a spacecraft.


The wagon's paint was badly chipped on the outside.


I used to be all sweetness and light on the outside, but inside I would be boiling with rage.



The chemical properties depend upon the electrons on the outside.

