only daughter的意思

美 / ˈəunli ˈdɔ:tə / 英 / ˈonli ˈdɔtɚ /


only daughter的用法讲解

英语单词\"only daughter\"通常用来指一个家庭中唯一的女儿。这个词可以在不同的语境中使用,例如:

1. \"She is the only daughter of the Smith family.\"(她是史密斯家庭的唯一女儿。)

2. \"The only daughter inherited her mother's fortune.\"(唯一的女儿继承了她母亲的财产。)

3. \"He always wanted an only daughter to spoil.\"(他总是想要一个唯一的女儿来宠爱。)

\"Only daughter\"也可以用于描述小说、电影、歌曲等作品中的角色:

4. \"In the novel, the protagonist is the only daughter of an influential businessman.\"(在这本小说中,主角是一个有影响力的商人的唯一女儿。)

总之,\"only daughter\"这个词通常用来表示一个家庭中唯一的女儿,同时也可以用来描述小说、电影等作品中的角色。

only daughter的短语

1、 one's only daughter 独生女

2、 I am only daughter 我是独生女

3、 His only daughter-in-law 心里只有媳妇

4、 Love only daughter-in-law 只爱媳妇

5、 The only daughter 独生女

6、 I am the only daughter 我是独生女

7、 an only daughter 独生女

8、 the only son or daughter 独苗

only daughter的例句

She's their only daughter.



Gao even approved the marriage of Li and Gao's only daughter Gao Guiying.



He dotes on his only daughter.

