order to attack的意思

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order to attack的网络释义

进攻命令 ... 进攻 attack 进攻命令 order to attack 进攻失利 suffer setback in attack ...

order to attack的短语

1、 attack in order to defend 以攻为守

order to attack的例句

The basic reason why all previous revolutionary struggles in China achieved so little was their failure to unite with real friends in order to attack real enemies.


He gave the order to start the attack.


There are also worries about the possibility of tacit collusion among large patent-holders, who might attack individual inventors in order to keep them out of specific markets.


In order to fight, we should put all our strength twist a rope, and that these forces concentrated in a single attack point. — Engels.


In order to avoid the attack of these illnesses, should contact the use of timing conditions to car oil, and moderate oil, usually between upper and lower oil scale as well.


The insight is an intuitive one—threatening someone to convince him not to attack you is much more likely to work than threatening him in order to make him give up something he cares about.
