overtake with的意思

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overtake with的网络释义

被…吓垮 ... overtake the city 突然降临到这个城市 overtake by 遭到…的袭击 overtake with 被…吓垮 ...

overtake with的例句

Catch up with and possibly overtake.


There needs to be a lot of hard work in order to catch up with and overtake him!


When I was a child, we are so naughty, love and friends in the outside, try to overtake each other in love with childish thing at home.


With the result against Spurs, City may not only be mathematically guaranteed Champions League football next season but could possibly overtake Arsenal and guarantee their entry into the group stages.


The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil...Thou didst blow with thy wind, the sea covered them: they sank as lead in the mighty waters.

“仇敌说,我要追赶,我要追上,我要分掳物…你叫风一吹,海就把他们(埃及军兵)淹没,他们如铅沉在大水之中”(出十五:9/10) 。

China, with vast coal reserves and an economy growing at 10 percent a year, is set to overtake the United States as the world's biggest carbon emitter.
