pack it in的意思

美 / / 英 / /


pack it in的网络释义

宣告结束 ... pack in 停止, 回绝, 对...不感兴趣 pack into 挤进...里, 涌进 pack it in 结束, 停止, 充分利用有利条件以赢得名利地位, 承认失败; 宣告结束 ...

结束 pack it in 结束, 停止, 充分利用有利条件以赢得名利地位, 承认失败; 宣告结束..

停止 ... take a powder 逃走(离开) pack it in 停止 a 英语字母表的第一个字母...

pack it in的短语

1、 Then pack it in me 那就包在我身上吧

pack it in的例句

It is our usual way to pack these goods in cartons.


On the rare occasions that I have flown with a bottle in a suitcase, I pack it in a polystyrene tube and swathe the whole thing with Sellotape.


This heavyweight industry accolade attests to the strengths and sustained appeal of the city, enabling it to consistently emerge ahead of the pack in Asia.


I don't know what it is, but hurry up and pack it in ice.


"It's a totally new car," he said, adding that it will be larger and will likely get a Li-ion pack in 2010.


What do you want me to do- just accept it , pack it in ?
