perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium的意思

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perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium的网络释义

精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡 精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡(Perfect Bayesian Nash Equilibrium)是基本均衡概念中要求最严的均衡概念,它要求博弈参与人必须根据贝叶斯法则修正信息,使最终的行动不仅在整个博弈上构成贝叶斯均...

完美贝叶斯纳什均衡 根据上述说明,本节将利用完美贝叶斯纳什均衡(perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium) 的概念来进行模型的求解。在此说明其中决策次序:首先,专利权人将根 据本国厂商的生产行为制定授权组合,以极大化其期望目标值;其...

perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium的例句

The research shows that the game model has a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium and the existing of moral haz.


The research shows that the game model has a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium and the existing of moral hazard elevates the price of insurance policy.


The research shows that the game model has a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium, whereas telling the truth is not always a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium of the policyholder.
