person aggrieved的意思

美 / / 英 / /


person aggrieved的网络释义

受屈人士 ... aggrieved party 受损害的一方 ; 受害方 ; 感到受屈的一方 ; 惨案苦主 person aggrieved 受屈人士 ; 受害人 Feel Aggrieved 心怀不平 ...

受害人 ...令检察总长(generalattorney)提起诉讼保护行政行为中的公共利益,它也能授权因行政行为而遭到损害的 受害人 ( person aggrieved )提起这样的公益诉讼。

person aggrieved的短语

1、 aggrieved person 受害人 ;

person aggrieved的例句

Living expenses shall be paid to the person who is maintained by the aggrieved before his or her decease and without ability to work.


His duty is to assist the aggrieved person inasmuch as he is able.


Where the aggrieved legal person or other organization has terminated, the legal person or other organization which succeeds its rights shall have the right to claim compensation.


Article 6 the aggrieved citizen, legal person or other organization shall have the right to claim compensation.
