pledge of allegiance的意思

美 / / 英 / /


pledge of allegiance的网络释义

效忠誓词 在美国,我们在国会和朗诵效忠誓词(the Pledge of Allegiance)的教室里开始自己的每一天。同样,我们也在纽约证券交易所的交易铃声中度过自己的每一天。

效忠誓言 我指的不仅仅是诵读效忠誓言(Pledge of Allegiance),不仅仅是学校热烈庆祝感恩节的活动,也不仅仅是7月4日盛放的烟火,不论这些场景多么激动人心。

宣誓 可是异样的华人有几个要求本身的后代不平服于群众压力而回绝在中小学凡是宣誓(pledge of allegiance)、回绝用带有“上帝以下的国度”(one nation, under God)的誓词?

pledge of allegiance的短语

1、 The Pledge of Allegiance 效忠誓词 ; 国徽 ; 忠诚宣誓

2、 pledge of allegiance detail 效忠誓词

pledge of allegiance的例句

I pledge allegiance to the Life of Brian, not the Life of Christ.


I pledge allegiance tothe Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

(我宣誓效忠美利坚合众国旗和它所代表的共和国,坚信上帝庇佑下的国家不可分割、所有的民众自由平等。 作者译)。

For what did you give he pledge of Allegiance on that day?


As the Congressman tries to change the subject, the woman suddenly demands everyone recites the Pledge of Allegiance.


I pledge allegiance to Radio 4 documentaries about the history of drinking water, told in six parts.


For a long time stutterers have understood that talking along in a group, such as when you recite the pledge of allegiance, can make the problem diminish.
