point of departure的意思

美 / / 英 / /


point of departure的网络释义

出发地点 ... line of demarcation 分界线 point of departure 出发地点 legal separation 合法分居(指法律判决过的...

point of departure的短语

1、 As a point of departure 起点

2、 a point of departure 出发点

3、 Our Point of Departure 唱片名

point of departure的例句

From its scenic location on the northern shore of lake Ontario Toronto offers an ideal point of departure for visits to a variety of popular Canadian destinations.


What is your point of departure?


The initial position is determined from a precise knowledge of the location of the point of departure of the vehicle.


Transport guest luggage from their room to the point of departure from the hotel.


Take the analysis of accident reasons as the point of departure, that how do you manage the safety at the building enterprise of small towns is expounded.


AFS has provided an obvious point of departure for several attempts at new file systems.
