police officer的意思

美 / / 英 / /

n. 警官;警员

police officer的短语

1、 a police officer 警官,一名警务人员,一名警官,正在翻译

2、 junior police officer 初级警务人员,员佐级警务人员

3、 Commissioned Police Officer 委任警官,委任的警务人员,现役警察,委任警员

4、 assault a police officer 袭警

5、 auxiliary police officer 辅警

6、 posed as a police officer 冒警

7、 senior police officer 高级警务人员

8、 a rookie police officer 初出茅庐的警官

police officer的例句

The police officer fended off the blows with his riot shield.



The police officer was suspended while the complaint was investigated.

