policy source code的意思

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policy source code的网络释义

保单来源代码 ... Policy Postil 保单批注 Policy Source Code 保单来源代码 Policy Status Code 保单状态代码 ...

policy source code的例句

Our extensions to WS-Policy are presented in the source files provided with this paper, which you can download by clicking on the Code icon at the top or bottom of this paper.

我们关于实现WS - Policy扩展的源文件和本文一起提供,您可以通过点击本文顶部或底部的Code图标来下载。

Policy cannot be changed without changing software and is not visible without the source code.


Listing 2 provides the source code for the UML2 WSDL (with WS-Policy) transformation provider extension, which you can use to apply UML to WSDL (with WS-Policy) transformation.

清单2提供了UML2 WSDL(带有WS - Policy)转换提供者扩展的源代码,您可以用它来应用uml to WSDL(带有WS - Policy)转换。

It also makes it possible to retain metadata at source code level in class files, and at runtime controlled by a retention policy.


Permission demands are closely controlled through security policy, hosting environment, and code-source permission grants.
