pollute e的意思

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pollute e的网络释义

污染 ... overwhelm m v.制服,使不知所措 pollute e v.污染 pesticide e n.杀虫剂 ...

弄脏 ... poll n. 投标,投标数,民意测验;v. 投标,进行民意测验 pollute e vt. 弄脏,污染,使…堕落 pollution n n. 污染 ...

使…堕落 ... poll n. 投标,投标数,民意测验;v. 投标,进行民意测验 pollute e vt. 弄脏,污染,使…堕落 pollution n n. 污染 ...

pollute e的例句

E. coli can pollute water and soil by human and animal feces or by organic fertilizer and sewage, thus widely in the biosphere.
