practical framework的意思

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practical framework的网络释义

实践范围 ... practical experience 实践经验 practical framework 实践范围 practical intelligence 实用智力 ...

实际范围 ... practical effects : 实际效益,实践效果 practical framework : 实际范围 practical unit : 实用单位 ...

practical framework的短语

1、 Three Layers Practical Framework 三层应用框架

2、 practical framework of seftware technology 软件技术实用架构

practical framework的例句

While reasoning, a practical sample is matched with past one according to the case framework corresponded by some kind of index, and is interpreted by the case context.


Being the basis for the formulation of accounting standards, conceptual framework of financial accounting occupies an indispensable theoretical and practical position.


My sense is that the Zachman Framework is easier to grasp when these principles infuse both the learning process and its practical application.


The fifth part provides journalist with practical advices on how to avoid news lawsuits in current legislative framework.


But I think even NLTK's lower layers make it a useful framework for both pedagogical and practical applications.


For design-time evolution, a detailed discussion of the T-MAP Traffic map framework is presented to illustrate the working mechanisms of a practical framework product.
