pre-tax profit的意思

美 / / 英 / /

[税收] 税前利润

pre-tax profit的网络释义

税前利润 与去年同期相比,总收入(total revenue)上升了5.9%,为18亿美元,税前利润(pre-tax profit)为1.312亿美元(6590万英镑),利润下降了18%。

除税前盈利 抢先为客户登记资料 pre-registering users 除税前盈利 pre-tax profit 审判前的舆论令某人得不到公平的审讯 pre-trial publicity denied somebody a fair trial ..

pre-tax profit的短语

1、 pre-tax profit margin 利润率

2、 Pre-tax profit trend Figure 税前利润趋势图

3、 Total Pre-Tax Profit 利税总额

pre-tax profit的例句

Rolls-Royce has said only that underlying pre-tax profit growth should be slightly lower than the 4-5% it had signalled last summer.


Deutsche Bank added to the general unease after it abandoned its pre-tax profit target for the year and forecast that its third quarter would be "significantly below expectations".


Direct financial impacts immaterial: profit contribution from overseas business to China Banks' pre-tax profits is ~ 3% (excluding BOC) in 2015 (Figure 1).


Lloyds Banking Group said it had made a quarterly pre-tax profit, the first time the British bank has returned to the black since its bail-out and takeover of HBOS.


These improvements benefit of profit, but the Canadian and Australian currencies and the impact of non-cash pre-tax profits will have a negative impact.


Private banking operations based in Asia have average pre-tax profit margins of 45-50 per cent, compared with less than 30 per cent in the US and Europe, according to BCG.
