preservation of cultural relics的意思

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preservation of cultural relics的网络释义

文物保护技术 ... 文物保护区 cagar budaya 文物保护技术 Preservation of Cultural relics 区级文物保护单位 District Protected Historic Site ...

preservation of cultural relics的短语

1、 Preservation of Textile Cultural Relics 纺织品类文物保护技术

2、 preservation of cultural building relics 文物建筑保护

3、 Preservation Techniques of Cultural Relics 文物保护技术

preservation of cultural relics的例句

However, in my opinion, some measures being made to preserve the cultural relics are not economical and cannot reach the purpose of preservation of cultural relics.


As China's largest comprehensive state-level museum, the security of the Gugong and the preservation of its cultural relics form the basis of all work at the Palace museum.


Protective facility construction projects refer to the projects that affix protective facilities for preservation of the cultural relics.


However, Chengdu falls behind in its preservation of historical and cultural relics, confronting a sever challenge.


"From what we have excavated today, the preservation of the cultural relics is better than thought," said Xu Weihong, head of the excavation team.

“从今天挖掘的结果来看,文化遗迹的保存比预想的要好得多。” 发掘执行领队许卫红说。

Both Parties shall encourage and support the exchanges of information and personnel in the field of literature, theater, music, fine art, library, museum and preservation of cultural relics.
