professional spirit的意思

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professional spirit的网络释义

专业精神 专业精神(Professional Spirit)是执著于专业的标准、要求、品质化程序等。专业精神是对品质的追求,用心倾听,理解服务需求,改进工作方法,不辱使命,勇于担责...

职业精神 ... Strictly Professional Spirit 严格专业精神 The Professional Spirit 职业精神 Highly Professional Spirit 极具专业精神 ...

业精神 ...等在当 7 代法学人才培养过程中所具有的代表性的培养模式, 了解法学人才需要具备的 基本知识结构和从业精神(professional spirit)及英美国家的法律职业的特定称 谓。

professional spirit的短语

1、 The Professional Spirit 职业精神

2、 A Professional Spirit 以专业精神

3、 Rich Professional Spirit 富有职业精神

professional spirit的例句

With an international vision, rich products, cutting edge expertise and high professional spirit, we are committed to providing customers with high-quality products for the future generations.


We take the customer first, service first objective, in line with the professional spirit as always, make customer thoughts in elaborately-designed get perfect embodiment.


An unforgettable experience — men inspired by professional spirit.


The design of the organizational culture of library should start with common objectives, professional spirit and professional ethics.


Although I'm lack of experience in some aspects, I have passion and professional spirit. I may not be the best, but I'm definitely the one who works hardest.


Last, we also should help teachers to build the professional spirit.
