public outrage的意思

美 / / 英 / /


public outrage的网络释义

公愤 ... resign v. 辞职,放弃,屈从 public outrage 公愤,民愤 condemnation n. 谴责,定罪, 谴责(或定罪)的理由,征用 ...

public outrage的短语

1、 outrage public opinion 违反民意

public outrage的例句

The judge's remarks caused public outrage.


Ireland's move comes after months of public outrage over the bonuses at a time when the country seeks an international bailout of 85 billion euros.


When public outrage does ensue, another mechanism of control - intervention by senior officials - sometimes occurs.


The crisis caused public outrage because it is thought the chemical was added deliberately to allow substandard milk to pass nutrition tests and because of the cover-up.


Pakistan's media dutifully pumped out the army line, stirring public outrage.


The public outrage led the Olympic Committee to establish a special commission called the IOC Medical Commission, to study doping in sports and set up its first list of prohibited substances.
