purchase money的意思

美 / ˈpə:tʃəs ˈmʌni / 英 / ˈpɚtʃɪs ˈmʌni /


purchase money的短语

1、 purchase money security interest 定金担保利益,价金担保权,赊款担保权益

2、 purchase money mortgage 置产抵押,押金,购买财产抵押英语

3、 Purchase Money Note 买价条款

4、 original purchase money 原购入价

5、 purchase money bond 购买财产债券,翻译

6、 purchase money obligation 置产债务

7、 purchase-money obligation 翻译,置产债务,购买财产债券英语

8、 abatement of purchase money 翻译

9、 purchase money loan 贷款

purchase money的例句

Labor was the first price, the original purchase money that was paid for all things.

劳动是最初的价格, 是人们购买一切东西所支付的最初货币.


Bank on what will be dozens of million of the purchase money loans?



Through negotiations with the site, Miss Zhang back at the time of the purchase money.

通过与该网站交涉, 张小姐拿回了当时购票的钱.
