purchase tax的意思

美 / ˈpə:tʃəs tæks / 英 / ˈpɚtʃɪs tæks /

[税收] 购买税;消费品

purchase tax的短语

1、 vehicle purchase tax 车辆购置税,车辆购买税

2、 Real-Estate Purchase Tax 不动产购买税

3、 Purchase Tax Treaty 购买租税协定

4、 auto-purchase tax 车辆购置税

5、 vehicles purchase tax payable 车辆购置税

6、 motor carrier fuel purchase tax 机动车运输者燃料购买税

7、 the right to sub-Purchase tax 税权分置

8、 purchase e tax 购买税

purchase tax的例句

He explained that the automobile tax and the vehicles purchase tax were the different two concepts.



Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.

