pure shear的意思

美 / pjuə ʃiə / 英 / pjʊr ʃɪr /

n. 无知,愚昧

CET4 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS GRE

pure shear的短语

1、 Veil of ignorance 无知之幕,无知的面纱,无知面纱,无

2、 pluralistic ignorance 多数无知,多元无知,人众无知,多数的无知

3、 argument from ignorance 诉诸无知,论证

4、 eliminate ignorance 排除愚蠢,打消愚蠢

5、 Ignorance is bliss 不知便是福,无知是天赐之福,不知即是福,难得糊涂

6、 State of Ignorance 无知的境界,无知境界

7、 ignorance makes proud 知识令人谦虚,知识使人谦虚

8、 rational ignorance 理性的无知,理性无知,理性忽略,性的无知

pure shear的例句

The paper calculated stretch elasticity modulus of adhesive thickness with a new non - pure - shear calculation method.

用笔者推导的 非 纯剪切计算法,求出了处于粘接状态下的胶层拉伸弹性模量.


Pardon my ignorance, but what is a 'duplex'?



ECAP is an effective method realizing pure shear deformation.

ECAP是 实现材料纯剪切变形的有效方法.


She was reluctant to confess her ignorance.



Equal cross section lateral extrusion ( ECSLE ) is a effective method realizing pure shear deformation.

